Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting Template
Practice Name: Primrose Surgery
Practice Code: B83026
- Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Does the Practice have a PPG? YES |
Method of engagement with PPG: Face to face |
Number of members of PPG: 11 |
Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:
Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG:
Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PPG:
Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population: The Practice has taken and continues to take the following steps to ensure that the PPG is representative of the Practice Population on terms of gender, age and ethnic background.
Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG? |
- Review of patient feedback
Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year: Positive feedbacks
Negative feedbacks
How frequently were these reviewed with the PPG? We discuss all complaints, suggestions with the PPG every quarter. |
- Action plan priority areas and implementation
Priority area 1 |
Description of priority area: Queue at front desk making patients late for appointments |
What actions were taken to address the priority? The Patient Engagement Lead and a member of the PPG group worked with patients on different days and at different times to ensure that they know how to use the patient arrival screen to log in for their appointments. A bell was put on the Receptionist side of the Reception Area to enable the Receptionist to simply press the bell for help should more than 3 patients present in the queue or should she have a patient who takes longer than normal. |
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): An improved Service and happier patients. Advertised in the Reception Area and newsletters. |
Priority area 2 |
Description of priority area: Patients not aware that their Controlled Drugs prescription was waiting for collection-prescription expired after 28 days. Being ordered by Chemist but Chemist not asking for this when requesting patients prescription’s. (Controlled drugs kept separate from normal prescription) |
What actions were taken to address the priority? Discussed with PPG and at Practice meeting. A policy put in place -All patients now telephoned every time there is a controlled drug prescription sent out by the GP, then a week later if not picked up then GP informed on the 3 rd week and GP then telephones patient. It is the patient’s responsibility to inform the Chemist to ask for this prescription if they have an agreement between themselves. |
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): An improved Service –all controlled drugs prescription now being picked up. Notice in Reception and in the minutes from PPG meetings. |
Priority area 3 |
Description of priority area: Could not get appointment. |
What actions were taken to address the priority?
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Notices in reception, PPG meetings, and newsletters |
Progress on previous years
If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):
Despite always informing patients with a newsletter. Practice leaflet , word of mouth etc we work closely with the PPG group and they inform us that until they joined the group they were not aware of many services etc we had in the Practice. They made us aware and helped with questions for the Survey last year and we try our best to reiterate and work alongside them. Things like chaperoning, private room for patients to discuss away from reception, texting to cancel appointment, patient choice, request for any leaflets, telephone consultations, on line appointments and many other things we re-advertise to keep our patients informed all the time. They work and take many new things out into the community for us and they are an asset which we could not do without. |
How has the practice engaged with the PPG: How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population? Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources? Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan? How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan? Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work? |